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Audit logs for organizations#

Codacy logs important events in your organization, reflecting when your team members execute specific operations. This enables the generation of comprehensive reports to assist you with the audit process. For example, you can track who added a repository to Codacy, or changed the settings of a coding standard.

Organization admins and organization managers can obtain the audit log data of the organization events using the Codacy API endpoint listAuditLogsForOrganization.

The retention period of audit logs for organization events is one year.

Audit log events#

Each audit log tracks when a Codacy user executed a specific operation in your organization using the Codacy app or the Codacy API. Each operation is identified by an action. For the detailed content of each audit log, see the Codacy API reference.

The sections below list the events that Codacy logs for your organization at user, organization, and repository levels.


Event Description Action
Log in User logged in to Codacy user.login
Create account API token New account API token created user.tokens.create
Read account API token List of account API tokens retrieved
Delete account API token Account API token deleted user.tokens.delete


Event Description Action
Add organization Organization added to Codacy organizations.create
Add people to organization New people added to the organization organizations.people.create
Join organization User joined the organization organizations.join
Update repository management permissions Repository management permissions updated organizations.analysisconfigurationminimumpermission.update
Assign organization manager role Organization manager role assigned to a team member
Revoke organization manager role Organization manager role revoked from a team member
Update default Git provider configuration Default Git provider configuration for the organization updated organizations.integrations.providersettings.update
Apply default Git provider configuration to all repositories Default Git provider configuration applied to all repositories of the organization organizations.integrations.providersettings.apply
Create new organization hook New organization webhook created organizations.settings.hooks.create
Create new gate policy New gate policy created organizations.gatepolicies.create
Update gate policy Quality gate definition updated organizations.gatepolicies.update
Apply gate policy to repositories Gate policy applied to a list of repositories organizations.gatepolicies.repositories.apply
Make gate policy default Gate policy was made the default for the organization organizations.gatepolicies.setdefault
Make Codacy gate policy default Built-in Codacy gate policy was made the default for the organization organizations.gatepolicies.setcodacydefault
Delete gate policy Gate policy deleted organizations.gatepolicies.delete
Create new coding standard using preset sensitivity levels New coding standard created organizations.presetsstandards.create
Create new coding standard draft using individual language and code pattern settings New coding standard draft created organizations.codingstandards.create
Create new coding standard from draft New coding standard created organizations.codingstandards.promote
Update coding standard from draft Coding standard updated organizations.codingstandards.promote
Apply coding standard to repositories Coding standard applied to a list of repositories organizations.codingstandards.repositories.apply
Make coding standard default Coding standard was made the default organizations.codingstandards.setdefault
Delete coding standard Coding standard deleted organizations.codingstandards.delete
Export security items Export security items
Ignore security item Security item was ignored
Unignore security item Security item was unignored


Event Description Action
Create new post-commit hook New repository hook created repositories.integrations.postcommithook
Create repository API token New repository API token created repositories.tokens.create
Read repository API token List of repository API tokens retrieved
Delete repository API token Repository API token deleted repositories.tokens.delete
Update Git provider integration settings
(GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab)
Git provider integration settings for the repository updated repositories.integrations.providersettings.update
Refresh Git provider integration
(applies only to Bitbucket and GitLab)
Git provider integration for the repository refreshed repositories.integrations.refreshprovider
Update issue For example ignore issue repositories.issues.update
Update tool Can be change parameters or disable/enable tool
Bypass pull request Bypass pull request by authorized person repositories.pullrequests.bypass
Update repository language Change languages analyzed in repository repositories.settings.language.update
Update branch Enable or Disable branch for analyse repositories.branches.update
Update analysis settings Update analysis settings repositories.settings.analysis.update
Reanalyze commit Reanalyze commit or pull request repositories.reanalyzecommit
Synchronize repository with provider Synchronize repository with provider repositories.settings.provider.sync
Update quality settings for repository Update quality settings for repository repositories.settings.quality.repository.update
Update quality settings for pull requests Update quality settings for pull requests repositories.settings.quality.pullrequests.update
Update file state Ignore or Unignore file repositories.file.update

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Last modified October 23, 2024